Hello, then it’s my turn to introduce myself.
It’s hard to present yourself and describe how you are. For this reason, I’d better start by telling you what I have done and what has influenced me.

I am Bernd Sirius Claushen and since I was 9 years old I am very enthusiastic about aerospace. I got hooked by model airplanes and my personal treasure a signed NASA folder from the space shuttle launch of mission STS-55, which I received as a child.

There are exactly two types of people, those who are lucky and those who are not. I would probably count myself among the latter. I have had to work hard for everything in my life so far, which is why I started studying relatively late after I became self-employed in the field of Flight Dynamics and Control, Design & Construction. This taught me that you can achieve anything if you work hard enough. So I was able to get a good Bachelor of Engineering in Aerospace Engineering and a completed pilot training on the side, which I financed by working in aircraft maintenance and repair. I was even able to quench my thirst for knowledge by studying in America at Embry Riddle Aeronautical University in Florida. There I got further insights into space travel and after a few SpaceX starts I was completely on fire. If you ever have the opportunity to witness a rocket launch, do it! After my bachelor’s degree I started in my youthful recklessness with two master’s degree programs, M.Sc. Aerospace Technologies and M.Sc. Space and Satellite Technologies both at the City University of Applied Sciences in Bremen and the Technical University in Gdansk. I completed both studies with excellent results. I gained experience in the working world very early and it was and still is important for me to gain practical experience and to pass on my knowledge. Therefore I held several tutorials at the university and was involved in some research and development projects e.g. at ZARM Technik AG and now at Ariane Group in Bremen. How did I come to this wonderful and exciting project? As I am very inquisitive and like to tinker I have been working on some private engineering projects of my own for quite some time. I love to search and research for technical solutions to problems. A self-landing rocket was one of these projects.
Now comes the hard part where you have to describe yourself? I would describe myself as very humorous, helpful and very determined. I am the epitome of a workaholic. If there’s any free time that can’t be filled with something productive, I’m usually on a plane exploring the world or making music. Although I consider myself a productive person and a maker, family, friends, my two dogs Nico and Lisa always come first for me.
If you want to know more about me, just talk or write to me otherwise back to work!